i've thought quite a while on what happened earlier.. And after typing out quite a long entry, i've decided to remove it and post it on my private blog instead.
Ignorance is bliss.
// :@ ♥ 12:14 AM
Argh! 9 mosquito bites within an hour. How terrible is that ): I'm already feeling uncomfortable enough that it's tooo itchy for me to NOT scratch. Now it's spotty red all over! ):
'm gonna register for the Sundown Marathon 2009 tomorrow! yay yay!! Although it's just the 10km category.. 'cause im still too incapable for 42km. haha!
I think i've just came to work for a blood donation drive. (If you get what i mean)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 // CNY 2009 ♥ 1:15 AM
Best Grandfather one could ever have! :D
oookay so quite a number of photos were taken but (obviously) i only posted up the acceptable ones. haha! Before i end this post, (short) videos of Chris & my brother playing Wii!
Think my eyebags are getting from bad to worse! Gah :(
Monday, January 26, 2009 // Xin Nian Kuai Le! ♥ 1:09 AM
Happy Chinese Niu Year everyone! I just got back from my father's side Reunion Dinner and i feel as though i just gained another 5kg :( i don't know why but after i got back just now, i went to the living room where my pillow is lying, sniffed it and it smelt like bak kwa!! How on earth did that actually happen? :/ No one was at home and before we left home, no one ate bak kwa at all! UNLESS, my pillow walked to the kitchen by itself when no one was home and took a piece of bak kwa for self consumption!!! haha okay that's not making any sense. Duh. (But at least it wasn't as bad as Audrey's because there was once her towel smelt like a DOG)
Feeling uuuuuuuuuuuuuber tired now BUT i'm trying to stay awake 'cause there's an old saying that the longer you stay awake, the older your parents will live to! FOR MUM & DAD! (but my dad fell asleep already. so, still counted anot? o.o)
Sunday, January 25, 2009 // Used to ♥ 1:05 AM
You used to talk to me like I was the only one around,
The only one around.
Friday, January 23, 2009 // TGIF? ♥ 1:25 PM
urghhhhhhh. like finally the school week is over. However, the "tired-ness" doesn't end here.... I'm still working tonight as well as tomorrow night :( And then followed by CNY! hmm.
i think i shall go take a nap now. i'm UBER TIRED>:(
Thursday, January 22, 2009 // Over! ♥ 5:48 PM
Okay MSA is done & over with! :DD Now this is a damn bigggggg relief to me please. This was like, seriously one of the worst project I've ever done. Hate PBL! >=(
And due to the consecutive 8am classes for the past 3 days, I'm soooooo sleepy + tired now. Yes, till the extent i think i can even fall asleep while waiting for the pedestrian crossing to turn green. Exaggerating, yes?! HAHA!
Maybe we're trying Trying too hard Maybe we're torn apart Maybe the timing Is beating our hearts We're empty
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 // Auditing ♥ 7:54 PM
1st auditing session today! Well, my group was being audited by Xiang Hui's group & all i could say was... nothing. How terrible right! :(( Kinda glad that it's over and all that's left is my group auditing Sara's group on Thursday. Ha!
Project presentations coming up one by one! We can get through this! :)) Exactly 1 more week till CNY! (I LIKE!) Exactly 1 more month till the start of exams! (I DONT LIKE!) Exactly 2 months & 7 days more to my TP test! Exactly 3 more months to... the first day of Year 3 Sem 1. (I HATE) HAHA!
Monday, January 19, 2009 // Formal! ♥ 10:35 PM
A phone call came. Junming: Tracie where are you now? Tracie: Now on the way to school already whyyyy? Junming: You later got class ar? Tracie: Ya lor Junming: okay vincent & i finish class already we go watch red cliff 2 BYE! Tracie: ......................... Obviously that ass was trying to be funny! :@
I think my head's attracted to the bus pole. Or vice versa. I keep hitting my head against it lah! >:(
Tomorrow's the first session of the MSA auditing role play. Formal wear!
// Nobody.. ♥ 12:14 PM
But you.
// To be... ♥ 12:13 AM
Out of 10 people that I've asked, 7 said that AMK Hub is one of the best shopping centre ever visited. Accompanied Guojie to get his friend's DS Lite at AMK Hub's funzcentre and left there within 30mins. OMG that place is seeeeeeeeeeriously boring please! There's nothing to shop/see at all :( So in the end, I went all the way to AMK to meet Guojie for like, an hour or so? and came back to Bedok :(
What a day!
p/s: Cheer up, Jason! If you ever need to find someone to rant at, note that I'm always here/there/everywhere! :D
Sunday, January 18, 2009 // The younger generation ♥ 1:19 AM
So, Audrey and i were walking around Suntec earlier on and while on the way down the escalator, we heard this conversation between 2 girls. (Direct translated to English) Girl 1: bla bla bla i already told her lor! bla bla bla Girl 2: ya lor ccb one lah she. Girl 1: (carry on ranting some.. profound vulgarities) Girl 2: (Added on)
The first thing i did was to turn around and guess what. Those 2 girls were like, just 13/14 years old? Nothing more than 14years old. Petite in size, long rebonded hair, short shorts, some "everywhere u walk u sure see" hoodie, AND AND AND shimmering eyeliner. Minus the conversation they had earlier on, I could have easily mistaken them for primary 5 or 6. How terrible! Just what is wrong with the society now :(
That aside. I haven't sleep since I got back from work this morning! I'm sooo tired I can practically fall asleep anywhere. As in anywhere ANYWHERE. Toilet's not an exception. HAHA.
bye & nights!
Saturday, January 17, 2009 // Granny ♥ 3:54 AM
It's almost 4am which means I'm halfway through the night! Just another 6 hours more to go :(
Brother msn-ed me earlier on and told me that Granny got admitted to hospital just now! I didn't know it was this serious.. Mum & Uncle are with her now and I really really really x2543152362 hope all's fine! :((
On a side note, the tagboard is back after MIA-ing for a month or so, due to certain reasons. Haha! Don't bother asking please :(
Gonna visit Granny first thing in the morning with Audrey after I'm off from work! Another one of those "walking-zombie" day for me.... ALL FOR GRANNY! :D
Friday, January 16, 2009 // HAPPY ♥ 10:54 AM
Okay so i had a bad sorethroat for the past few days. It was bad till the extent if aliens were to kidnap me when im alone, i doubt anyone can hear my screams. HAHA! BUT BUT! my voice is somehow back already! :D Which means, i can sing along to songs w/o people laughing at me ('cause i've been "zao sia"-ing for don't know since when) :p :p
However, now there's a whole lot of phelgm stuck in my throat. zz
AND AND! due to the fall i had 2 days back, i'm having trouble walking, sleeping, sitting 'cause i can't stretch or bend my knee!
But you know what's worse? Those dumb humans on the bus who can't seem to see that there's THIS on my knee but still stand so close to me that their bag/clothes BRUSH AGAINST MY INJURY when they walk pass. :(
Thursday, January 15, 2009 // Gamba Galore! ♥ 12:22 AM
Flyer today with audrey. Had popeye's and a crazy photo taking session. Took around 200+ photos but they all freakingly look the same. HAHA! Uploaded 60 on Facebook! Anyway, the jump shot picture above gave me a price to pay. Once I landed on the ground, for don't know what reason, i totally lost my balance, fell face flat on the ground and got dragged for quite a few CM. pathetic, yes. Now i have swollen knee caps and a bruised blu-black hip. :(
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 // Too bad. ♥ 1:13 AM
Have lots of pictures to upload! But 've decided to upload them at facebook. HAHA. too bad if you don't have facebook. :D
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 // Man for the day ♥ 6:16 PM
I lost my voice! :( I sound so.. man today. Yusa said i sounded like a transvestite :@ :@! And Agnes Jieyin Vincent were all mocking at every single word/sentence that comes out from my mouth :( It was out of pitch. oh well. Time to drown myself with water. HAHA!
I've like, only a few chapters left in Breaking Dawn but there's this unexplained fear in me which forbids me to carry on reading. i dont know why! HAHA. maybe i just don't like the idea of knowing that the whole Twilight Series have come to an end :(
just kidding.
Monday, January 12, 2009 // Private-ness! ♥ 2:34 AM
okay okay! It's 2.30am and i gotta head to bed soon as i have driving lessons in the morning before classes. gah. I'm just starting to dread driving now due to certain reasons. But well, everyone's encouraging me to get it done and over with so I'm trying my best yeah! :D
Well oh well, I've finally decided to make full use of my previous http://i-ntricate.livejournal.com as my private blog! ha! At least i have somewhere to rant about my personal stuffs. Add me up as a LJ friend if you wanna be a part of it! Subject to conditions though. haha!
and for now, good night! Monday Blues! >:(
Sunday, January 11, 2009 // How to save a life. ♥ 3:31 PM
Hola Hola! Sentosa today was a failure :( We didn't even manage to get up on time! and by the time we got up, it was close to afternoon and i don't wanna get baked by the afternoon sun :( THEREFORE, we stayed home and DVD-ed. It's a monday tomorrow again which means a new week at school. gah. But it's kinda fast isn't it? Week 3! Whoosh Whoosh!
Audrey & i are like, sitting side by side in the living room using our individual lappys and we just have this feeling like we are deep in serious discussion! and guess what, we are even msn-ing one another despite the short distance of less than a metre between us! :D
okay cutting things short. going out soon. haha!
Saturday, January 10, 2009 // Hola! ♥ 8:50 PM
My day started off with the TP Open House! Crowd was more than usual.. most probably due to the Beyond O Level Seminar. haha! But i was somehow redundant there too :/ anyhooo, took quite a number of photos with agnes vincent and the yr 3 seniors! shall post them up real soon after i get it bluetooth-ed/transferred to the computer :D /edited: uploaded photos on facebook. lazy to upload here :/
Headed to Australia Education Open house with audrey at Orchard Hotel and got quite a number of course information booklets from various universities! Although it might be still a lil bit too soon for such, but it's always good to plan early, yes? :D
haha! okay aud's at my place once again and we're gonna watch dvds soon! Sentosa tomorrow! whoopees! :D
Friday, January 9, 2009 // Small World ♥ 8:28 PM
okay so i haven't been updating regularly. OR properly. 've been really really busy recently.. :( & as usual, MSA is killing me! urgh.
i've been procrastinating since 10am to get my Procoi project assignment done but my MSWord page is just.. 1/4 filled. In other words, im nowhere near completion! :( this is seriously seriously seeeeeriously bad please. OKAY I SHALL STOP BEING A PROCRASTINATOR AND START ON MY PROJECT NOW!
Was suppose to head over to Sentosa with audrey tmr but got "summoned" at the last minute to help out at TP Open House :(
i suppose it's the problem with me. i just no longer feel like speaking out too much about my life HAHA :( booo to me.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 // Anticipating ♥ 1:54 PM
Tuckered out. Brainsick. Enervated. Dead on one's feet.
That pretty sums up how I'm feeling now.
Sunday, January 4, 2009 // Prostrated ♥ 4:39 AM
it sucks to know how dispirited your friend is feeling over a great loss and yet here you are, "disabled" as usual, starts displaying poppycock-ness that were uncalled for and instead of making the other party feel better, you made yourself look like a numskull. It's okay if neither one made a single sense out of the whole chunk. It's much advisable to leave it hanging this way... spare me the further discomfiture.
Friday, January 2, 2009 // Pragmatical ♥ 6:11 PM
First of all, a big Happy new year 2009 to all! In a blink of an eye, another year has passed :( which means i'm growing older, too. Urgh! My new year countdown was a far cry from how i spent it for the past few years. However, it was still satisfying, pleasurable, though. haha!
& so it's time again, for new year resolutions! (Sometimes I wonder.. do people really make the grade with the resolutions they came up with?) BUT well-o-well, no harm setting up a few targets for the next 365 days of your life!
Here are mine: - To boost my cumulative GPA to 2.6 ( Got to be practical. Due to my negligence towards my studies during the first year, my GPA dropped from a then 3.14 to a now 2.06. What a dolt.) - Successful attempt with my Savings plan. - Stop accumulating bills. - UQ in 2011 (Super advanced resolution!)